online edition of the Croydon "Speculum Gregis", owes a huge debt to
the Bassingbourn Booklet published in 1980 as "The Rector and his Flock".
This is the booklet's own introduction by series editor David
Ellison.] |
"The Rector and his Flock" |
"The Reverend Francis Fulford was instituted as Rector of Croydon in Cambridgeshire in July 1841, remaining in that parish for four years. He compiled a list of inhabitants adding their ages, occupations, literacy and church attendance as well as some 'off the cuff' comments. The notebook - a Speculum Gregis or 'Mirror of his Flock' - was updated by his successor, the Reverend Sandilands until 1848, when it was put away with other parish documents, and eventually after the departure of the last resident Rector, was deposited in the Cambridgeshire Record Office (P 53/1/11). |
"Two young people from Croydon, Sharon Leonard and Clare Randall, became interested in it when studying the past history of the village and its people. A junior form [at Bassingbourn Village College], 2A, transcribed parts of it in the 1978 summer term, from a zerox [photocopy], and Mrs Leonard kindly retyped the text initially. |
"As the Rector himself wrote a short preface we have left this at the beginning, and added a concluding commentary.
The cover is the |
work of Clare Randall, Kevin Knight, assisted by Mrs Carol Bibby. Andrew Hitch redrew the plan of the Caxton workhouse. |
"Help with old photographs, and much other assistance, has come from Mr Michael Petty
of the Cambridgeshire Collection in Lion Yard, Cambridge. We acknowledge the assistance
and courtesy of Mr Stanley French of Downing College, who most kindly allowed
pupils into his archives on more than one occasion. The London, Ontario, Librarian
took the trouble to forward out letter of enquiry to the Public Archives of Canada,
who kindly forwarded a copy of a document showing Croydon people in Canada. The
Librarian of Montreal cathedral also sent us Xeroxes of old Canadian biographies
of Fulford. |
"The draft on Victorian Croydon was most kindly read by David Billings, Terry Smoth and Mrs Muriel Singleton of the College staff; the sheets were collated by kind pupils, and Mrs Lorna Burnhams and Mrs Peel did the photolith work. The errors that remain are the Editor's." |
David Ellison
Editor |
"Net Proceeds to the Bassingbourn Village College School Fund and the Croydon Parochial Church Council." |