Wimpole Farms and Tenancies Maps by Robert Withers 1828
Maps of Wimpole Estate Farms and Tenancies prepared for the 3rd Earl of Hardwicke. A local history and genealogy page for the Parish of Wimpole.
Fourteen maps of Estate Farms and Tenancies prepared in 1828 for Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke (1757-1834).
A volume of coloured maps entitled "Survey of Estates belonging to the Right Honourable Philip, Earl of Hardwicke K.G. Situate in the Parishes of Wimpole and Arrington in the County of Cambridge. By Robert Withers. 1815. Reviewed and adjusted 1828".
On 31 December 1827, (Steward and Land Agent) Withers received £37 3s 0d 'for making ornamental plans of Lord Hardwickes use'. The volume contains the following maps:
The original maps were drawn to the scale of twelve chains to one inch (ie 1:9504).
(b) Where known, the modern name of the farm is provided although field and farm
boundaries may have changed since these maps were drawn.
The maps marked with an asterisk [*] indicate that full-sized high-definition images are available for research or display via this website. Please contact website for details.]
On each plan buildings are coloured red, roads yellow, water blue, arable cultivation brown, and woodland and pasture different shades of green; the names of adjoining farms are given; as are alphanumerical codes that refer to an accompanying terrier which provided details of the field names, acreages and their tenants. The maps are individually catalogued in Bendall (1992). [Text from 'Wimpole' by David Adshead, published by the National Trust, 2007]
Map XII:
Arber's Farm.*
Drawing by Robert Withers 1828.
Farmer: Philip Arber with son John.
[Modern Name:
'Hoback Farm'] [Click on map for larger image]
Titchmarsh's Farm.*
Drawing by Robert Withers 1828.
Farmer: Charles Titchmarsh.
[Modern Name:
'Cambridge Road Farm'] [Click on map for larger image]