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A local history and genealogy site for Wimpole, a village and parish in South Cambridgeshire
Curated by Steve Odell

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England and Wales Register, September 1939
Pages Three and Four - Parish of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire

Wartime Register for the Parish of Wimpole (and a little bit of Orwell).

England and Wales Register -September 1939 - Page Three England and Wales Register - September 1939 - Page Four
Page Three Page Four

The 1939 Register provides a snapshot of the civilian population of England and Wales just after the outbreak of the Second World War. As the 1931 census for England and Wales was destroyed by fire during the Second World War and no census was taken in 1941, the Register provides the most complete survey of the population of England and Wales between 1921 and 1951, making it an invaluable resource for family, social and local historians.
The 1939 Register was taken on 29 September 1939. The information was used to produce identity cards and, once rationing was introduced in January 1940, to issue ration books. Information in the Register was also used to administer conscription and the direction of labour, and to monitor and control the movement of the population caused by military mobilisation and mass evacuation.
The Register has a number of blacked-out lines [= Record Closed], indicating that the record is unavailable because the individual may still be alive. The 1939 national register is constantly being updated and entries 'opened', either under the 100-year rule or against evidence of death.
There are eight pages in the 1939 Register relating all or in part to the modern-day Parish of Wimpole, each listing 44 individuals per page. Pages Three and Page Four are below.
The columns shown below are (left to right):
- Address.
- Name.
- Gender (Male, Female).
- Date of Birth. (DD/MM/YYYY format)
- Marital Status (Married, Widow, Widowed, Single).
- Occupation.
Any other information/comments additional to the Register are shown using [italic text within square brackets] mostly in the Occupation column.
Modern-day addresses (where different and identifiable) are added in [red text within brackets] in the Occupation column.
The full set:
Page One: Orwell, Cambridge Road ('Fox and Hounds' to Rose Cottages)
Page Two: Orwell, Cambridge Road
(Rose Cottages to Hillside)
Page Three: Wimpole, Cambridge Road (Wimpole Lodge to River Cam Farm)
Page Four: Wimpole, Cambridge Road (Cambridge Road Farm to New Wimpole Village)
Page Five: Wimpole, Cambridge Road (New Wimpole Village)
Page Six: Orwell, then the Wimpole Estate (Stables, Woodyard, Cobbs Wood etc)
Page Seven: Wimpole Estate (Little End, Manor Farm, The Gardens, Brick End)
Page Eight: Wimpole Estate (Coombe Grove, Eight Elms, and Thornberry Hill Farms)

England and Wales Register, Page Three
September 1939, Cambridge Road, Parish of Wimpole

This register page of 44 line entries covers part of the Parish of Wimpole.
Addresses given below run along both sides of Cambridge Road, starting at Wimpole Lodge, Arrington Bridge (opposite the Wimpole and Arrington War Memorial) on the old Cambridge Road and then eastwards along Cambridge Road (A603) to River Cam Farm.
Children tagged with '[photo]' link are named in an October 1938 School Photograph.

Continued from Page Two...

Cafe Arrington Bridge Dous E Tolbigg F 05/10/1905 M Cafe Stores General
Wimpole Lodge
Arrington Bridge
" (1/6)
Edward H Lee-Warner M 22/01/1887 M Bank Manager.
[He gained the rank of Captain in the Royal Artillery. Awarded Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.) for services to Civil Defence. County Director, Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Branch, and Regional Representative of the British Red Cross Society.]
" (2/6) Iris B Lee-Warner F 13/03/1891 M Unpaid Domestic Duties
" (3/6) - - - - [Record Closed]
" (4/6) - - - - [Record Closed]
" (5/6) - - - - [Record Closed]
" (6/6) Harold S Hunt M 15/05/1921 S Gardener/Domestic Help
Cambridge Road
" (1/3)
Frank Wilkins M 12/12/1897 M Illegible
Bus Driver
" (2/3) Marion E Wilkins F 04/12/1895 M Housewife Unpaid
" (3/3) - - - - [Record Closed]
North View
" (1/7)
Robert Hurst M 17/03/1884 M Gardener
" (2/7) Lydia S Hurst F 20/07/1884 M Housewife Unpaid
" (3/7) Ivy I Hurst F 09/03/1916 S Canteen Work
" (4/7) Kate L Breslow F 12/12/1911 M Visitor
" (5/7) - - - - [Record Closed]
" (6/7) Evelyn A Patterson F 25/08/1902 M Visitor Housewife
" (7/7) Rodney A Patterson M 25/07/1939 S Visitor
Rose Cottage
" (1/1)
Lucy Bird F 17/04/1885 M Household Duties
West View
" (1/4)
Charles Rumbold M 28/06/1884 M General Farm Labourer
" (2/4) Emily F Rumbold F 15/03/1892 M Unpaid Domestic Duties House duties
" (3/4) - - - - [Record Closed]
" (4/4) George Walters M 16/03/1918 S Glazier
East View
" (1/4)
James G Reynolds M 03/06/1904 M Farm Labourer
Observer Corps
" (2/4) Gladys J Reynolds F 09/11/1902 M Housewife
" (3/4) George Reynolds M 28/03/1872 W Farm Labourer
" (4/4) Patrick Ja Simpson M 24/12/1926 S Visitor, At School,
Boy Scout
Avenue Bungalow
" (1/4)
John Bullen M 18/01/1899 M Lorry Driver
" (2/4) Kathleen C Bullen F 23/02/1896 M Unpaid Domestic Duties, House Duties
" (3/4) Peter G Bullen M 27/09/1924 S At School
" (4/4) Marie C Bullen F 28/08/1932 S Incapacitated
The Cafe Bungalow
" (1/2)
Frederick J Iron M 22/05/1879 W Insurance Agent, Retired
" (2/2) Ruth Eaton F 18/03/1886 W Housekeeper, Unpaid
The Hollow
" (1/4) 90
Ellen Bullen F 13/11/1875 W House Duties
[90 Cambridge Road]
" (2/4) Hazel L Bullen F 05/03/1873 S House Duties
" (3/4) Lawrence Shipp M 23/08/1913 M Labourer, Heavy
" (4/4) John W Mander M 11/05/1914 S Improver
The Hollow
" (1/5) [88]
William H[enry] Bullen M 28/05/1902 M Asbestos Cement, Labour [88 Cambridge Road]
" (2/5) Bessie E[velyn] Bullen F 08/10/1906 M Unpaid Domestic Duties, Heavy Work
" (3/5) - - - - [Record Closed]
" (4/5) - - - - [Record Closed]
" (5/5) David Wightman M 15/03/1906 M Waterworks Superintendent
River Cam Farm
" (1/3)
Adolphus F H Gadsby M 6/04/1872 M Farmer
" (2/3) Beatrice C Gadsby F 05/05/1871 M Domestic Work House Duties
" (3/3 William Bullen M 12/11/1873 S Farm Labourer

Continued on Page Four below...

England and Wales Register, Page Four
September 1939, Cambridge Road, Parish of Wimpole

This register page of 44 line entries covers part of the Parish of Wimpole.
Addresses given below run west to east along Cambridge Road (A603), starting at Cambridge Road Farm and ending with the Estate Cottages at New Wimpole.
Children tagged with '[photo]' link are named in an October 1938 School Photograph.

Continued from Page Three above...

Cambridge Rd Farm
" (1/3)
Reginald R Hagger M 31/07/1878 M Farmer
" (2/3) Alma J Hagger F 19/09/1882 M Housewife, Poultry Farm
" (3/3) John R Hagger M 07/04/1912 S Assisting Father as Horsekeeper
" (1/3)
Percy Gadsby M 20/09/1911 M Tractor Driver, Heavy Work, Farmer Own Account
" (2/3) Gladys Gadsby F 06/12/1904 M Unpaid Domestic Duties, Housewife
" (3/3) Brian Gadsby M 30/06/1933 S At School
Hoback Farm
" (1/3)
Charles A Franklin M 09/01/1871 M Farmer
" (2/3) Mary E Franklin F 16/06/1867 M Wife
" (3/3) - - - - [Record Closed]
New Wimpole
" (1/4) 70
Albert Homent M 16/03/1887 M Boiler Stoker Cement Works
[70 Cambridge Road]
" (2/4) Margaret J Homent F 01/11/1889 M Unpaid Domestic Duties
" (3/4) [Gerald Homent?][photo] - - - [Record Closed]
" (4/4) John G Lewis M 15/08/1928 S At School
New Wimpole
" (1/2) 68
Walter Wayman M 30/05/1874 M Farm Labourer, Retired
[68 Cambridge Road]
" (2/2) Elizabeth A Wayman F 16/04/1872 M House Duties, Unpaid
The Hut
New Wimpole
" (1/3)
James O'Donnell M 09/05/1917 S Public Works Contractors Labourer
" (2/3) Hugh McEntee M 13/01/1903 S Public Work Contractors Labourer
" (3/3) Joseph Murray M 01/10/1912 S Public Works Contractors Labourer
New Wimpole
" (1/3) 64
Harry G Bullen M 29/01/1886 M Plumber
[64 Cambridge Road]
" (2/3) Mary E Bullen F 12/04/1887 M Unpaid Domestic Duties
" (3/3) Cecil H E Bullen M 06/09/1915 S Sales Representative, Cambridge Electric Supply Company
New Wimpole
" (1/6) 62
Ada E Pratt F 21/09/1907 W Unpaid Domestic Duties
[62 Cambridge Road]
" (2/6) [Peter Pratt?] [photo] - - - [Record Closed]
" (3/6) [June Pratt?] [photo] - - - [Record Closed]
" (4/6) - - - - [Record Closed]
" (5/6) Gilbert S Henslow M 28/02/1930 S At School
" (6/6) - - - - [Record Closed]
New Wimpole
" (1/3) 56
Bertie Charter M 18/01/1886 M General Labourer
[56 Cambridge Road]
" (2/3) Annie Charter F 02/04/1884 M Housewife, Unpaid
" (3/3) William Carter M 23/03/1854 W Roadman
New Wimpole
" (1/3) 54
George W Wilkins M 30/01/1895 M Houseman On Farm
[54 Cambridge Road]
" (2/2) Margaret Wilkins F 05/07/1895 M Housewife, Unpaid
" (3/3) Louisa Epsby F 27/12/1876 W Private Means, Unpaid Domestic
New Wimpole
" (1/2) 52
Charles Money M 22/11/1863 M Retired Bricklayer
[52 Cambridge Road]
" (2/2) Emma A Money F 23/12/1865 M Housewife
New Wimpole
" (1/4) 50
Andrew Bullen M 25/01/1881 M Carpenter
[50 Cambridge Road]
" (2/4) Florence Bullen F 06/05/1879 M House Duties, Unpaid
" (3/4) Samuel H K Thorne M 20/01/1929 S At School
" (4/4) Thomas A Thorne M 26/09/1930 S At School
New Wimpole
" (1/4) 48
Albert Jarman M 11/02/1898 M Kiln Burner, Cement Works
[48 Cambridge Road]
" (2/4) Gladys S Jarman F 27/06/1899 M Domestic Housewife, Unpaid
" (3/4) John [Jack] G Jarman [photo] M 06/10/1926 S At School
" (4/4) Thomas Goates M 29/04/1851 W Roadman Retired, [Illegible] Blind
New Wimpole
" (1/4) 46
Albert Baulk M 26/11/1901 M Stoker In Cement Works
[46 Cambridge Rd (rear)]
[Note: (2/4) Annie Baulk at last address above is the first entry on Page Five]

Continued on Page Five

This page was last updated on: 21 April 2019.

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