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A local history and genealogy site for Wimpole, a village and parish in South Cambridgeshire
Curated by Steve Odell

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Website Notes
A local history and genealogy site for the Parish of Wimpole.

March - September 2019.
Major work on the site throughout the summer. Many new pages have been researched and published for the first time and dozens more pages rebuilt and transferred to
March 2019
The first pages on were published online on Saturday, 2nd March 2019.
Site Update: March 2019
The site is slowly being moved to a new and secure SSL domain:
The old and new .org sites will be run in parallel for the time being while I update pages, although you will probably notice yourself switching between the two sites. If I manage the page links properly, the transition should be seamless.
During the transition between domains, every search box on every page will search across both sites as a single operation.
August 2017
I have now added a search facility. The search box should appear at the top of each page. If you would like to get in touch, a Contact Form and the Guestbook are now up and running.
July 2017
This is a new local history site at an early stage of development.
It's all about Wimpole, a rather interesting Parish in South Cambridgeshire.
The website is something of a retirement project.
The first pages on Wimpole Past were published online at lunchtime on
Monday, 3rd July 2017.
My initial aim is to recover and re-format all my previous local history pieces and re-publish them here. Some pages date as far back as 1999 and 'live' (and many have 'died') in various locations.
I would welcome new contributions if subject and context are suitable. I would particularly welcome contributions of early photographs, information and names relating to Wimpole history and people.
I'm happy to give full credit or acknowledgement on the site.

Apart from the external third-party managed 'Contact', Guestbook' and 'Search' facilities, this website does not set or use cookies.

This page was last updated on: 07 October 2019

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