| A local history and genealogy site for Wimpole, a village and parish in South Cambridgeshire Curated by Steve Odell
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The Wimpole Rectors
St Andrew's Parish Church, Wimpole
Known Rectors and Churchmen 1291-1955
St Andrew's Parish Church, Wimpole
A living church for the Parish of Wimpole, located within the National Trust's
Wimpole Estate.
The Church is managed and maintained by the Parochial Church Council.
The initial page was based upon a simple list of nineteen named Rectors recorded in the Parish Registers for Wimpole, which was transcribed and indexed by T.P.R. Layng in March 1983. I have added substantial information to the original Layng transcription, using (among others) the online 'Clergy of the Church of England Database' (King's College, London), Alumni Cantabrigienses (Venn, University of Cambridge), Ancestry, the Wimpole Parish Registers, and contributions from visitors to the WimpolePast website. |
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the 'living' was generally in the gift of the then current owner of the Wimpole Estate, usually the Earl of Hardwicke as the head of the Yorke family.
"One of the earliest recorded rectors of Wimpole was the royal clerk Walter Langton, a pluralist who held at least six other benefices in 1291. The rectory changed hands frequently until the 16th century, which was marked by a succession of long tenures. Although Edward Marshall, rector in 1604, was not licenced to preach, the rectory was generally held by qualified clerics, usually Cambridge graduates. A curate was appointed fairly regularly after 1561 and was usually resident after 1570. About 1728 the curate resided alternately with the rector and was paid a salary of £40.00 per year. After 1807 the rector was usually resident. In 1970 the rectory of Wimpole was officially held in plurality with Orwell and Arrington rectories, an arrangement which had previously existed informally." |
Walter de Langton,
1291? |
"One of the earliest recorded rectors of Wimpole was the royal clerk Walter Langton, a pluralist who held at least six other benefices in 1291.".
Robert Kirkham
1452? |
"...Parson of Wimpole..."
William Eastfield c1401–c1499
Rector at Wimpole 1474 (ac 1474-1496) |
Scholar and fellow of King's Hall [now Trinity], Cambridge, 1472-1498.
B.Cn.L. (Bachelor of Canon Law) 1475-76 |
Rector of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, 1474 - (ac 1496).
Rector of Sedgefield, Co. Durham, 1496 'till death.
Canon and Prebend. of Darlington, Co. Durham, 'till death.
Master of Greatham Hospital, Co. Durham, 'till death. |
Death said to be May 1499. |
Name also spelt in contemporary documents as William Estfeld, Estefeld, Estfelde. |
[Source: Alumni Cantabrigienses (Venn, University of Cambridge)] |
Thomas Worsley (c1443–1501)
Visitor and Benefactor 1501 |
I have not found any direct evidence of Thomas Worsley's ecclesiastical status at Wimpole or why he requested burial here. It is possible he was not a Rector, being variously described as "of Wimpole", "a visitor to" Wimpole, and "a benefactor to the Chantry" at Wimpole. |
The Chicheley Chapel has a brass figure of Thomas Worsley (priest in vestments) with part of a prayer scroll and figure of Virgin and Child enthroned, with six lines of Latin hexameters. Dated 1501. Brass rubbing on right [click for large image]. |
Thomas Worsley
Scholar and Fellow at King's Hall, Cambridge, from 1461 to 1501. [Note: King's Hall no longer exists, as it was combined firstly with Michaelhouse, and then in 1546 with other colleges to form Trinity.)
- Canon of Southwell and prebendary of Normanton (1462 to 64)
- Canon of Lichfield, Staffordshire, and prebendary of Tachbrook from 1452, 'till death.
- Rector of Waltham, Lincolnshire, from 1471 'till death.
- Canon of Beverley, Yorkshire and prebendary of St Mary's altar, from 1463/4 'till death.
- Ordained Deacon at York in 1464.
- Also "of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire" [unsure of ecclesiastical status or office] presumably through his Cambridge connections. Alumni Cantabrigienses does not list him as Rector but as being "benefactor to the chantry at Wimpole".
Died 1501.
Interred in a floor tomb in the Chicheley Chapel, Wimpole [see Will below]. |
Speculative Family:
Born probably about 1443, is believed to have been the son of Sir Robert Worsley of Booths in Eccles, Lancashire, and his wife Maude, daughter of Sir John Gerard of Bryn, Lancashire. His brother Robert married Margaret, niece of William Booth and Lawrence Booth, both of them Archbishops of York, to whose influence Thomas probably owed most of his preferments. Younger brother [or a nephew] of William Worsley, Dean of St Paul's Cathedral (1479-1499) and Canon of York, from whom Thomas 'was collated to the stall at Tachbrook at Lichfield' [ie the Prebendary]. |
Will of Thomas Worsley
Dated 11 January 1500, proved 27 May 1501
"To be buried in the church of St Andrew at Wimpole. To a priest to celebrate a mass for me at Rome, 20 shillings. To Charles Bothe [Booth]**, doctor, a nut. To the use of King's Hall, Cambridge, two silver bowls. To Mr Thos. Orston, my cousin, a Missal, a book called 'Rationale Divinorum'. To Robert Hamond, my Portifor after the Sarum use, a Manual, and 'Pupilla Oculi', Cousin Alice Bell". |
[** It is thought that Thomas left Charles Bothe [Booth, "his kinsman" or relative] a 'prayer nut', a small orb carved from boxwood that opens into two halves depicting various Christian religious scenes and used as an aid to prayer. Charles Booth succeeded Thomas to the prebendary of St Mary's altar at Beverley in 1501 and was appointed the Bishop of Hereford in 1516.] |
Magna Brittanica (published 1810):
"XVIth Century: - In the chapel on the north side of Wimpole church is a grave-stone with a brass plate of a priest in a rich cope, being the effigies of Thomas Worsley who died in 1501." This confirms the statement in the Latin verse that the brass was originally mounted on the marble slab covering Thomas's tomb. The brass was presumably moved to its current wall-mounted position during building work or restoration. |
The Brass Rubbing.
The rubbing of the Thomas Worsley brass at Wimpole was made in 1891 by Oswin J. Charlton M.A., LL.M., F.S.A. (1871-1941), Solicitor and Antiquary of Newcastle upon Tyne, during his student days in Cambridge. The original is held by the University of Newcastle in the 'Charlton Collection of Brass Rubbings'. |
The Thomas Worsley Figure, Brass Rubbing (large image), Latin Inscription. |
Surname variants recorded on documents: Thomas Worsley, Worcheley, Woorslee, Worseley, Worslee, Woursley, and Wursley. |
Thomas Buxtons, Dr
Curate (cced 1551-1551) |
"...Curate of Wympoll..."
Source: 'Clergy of the Church of England Database, King's College, London) |
William Fincham
Rector (1503-35) |
Robert Gylett
Chaplain 1524? |
"...Chaplain of the Standon Chantry..."
Andrew Middleton
Rector (1538-1551) |
Thomas Parkynson
Rector 1551-1579 [or possibly later] |
Also said to be Rector of Willingham and Orwell. [?]
Edward Marshall (c1562-1625)
Rector [?] for 34 years (c1591-1625) |
Not licenced to preach.
Died 23 July 1625 aged 63. Buried 25 July 1625 in the Chicheley Chapel. |
"According to a brass in the Chicheley Chapel, he had 4 sons and 6 dau[ghter]s. In the [Parish] Register he had 5 sons and 2 dau[ghter]s recorded." [Layng Transcript] |
Marmaduke Thompson c1594–c1640
Rector at Wimpole 1625-c1640 |
Born Benningholme Grange, near Beverley, Yorkshire.
Matric. pensioner from Jesus College, April 1612.
B.A. 1614/5, M.A. 1618, B.D. 1627, Fellow 1619-29.
Incorp. at Oxford University 1618.
Ordained Deacon (London) 23 May 1619, aged 25.
Vicar. of Comberton, 1619-1625.
Rector of Wimpole, 1625; there in 1635.
Rector of Guilden Morden c1626.
Rector of Harlton, 1628-1640.
Died c1640. |
Joseph Loveland (c1603 -1695)
at Wimpole 1642-1644)
Sequestered (1644 to 1660)
Restored (1660-1695) |
Son of John Loveland of Norwich (and Alyce Tryme?) c1603/04.
Baptised 11 May 1604 at Norwich.
School Norwich, (Mr Stonham's).
Admitted pensioner (age 15) at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1618/9.
Matric. 1619, Scholar 1620-26, B.A. 1622/3, M.A. 1626, B.D. 1634, Fellow 1626/44. Proctor 1636. President of the College, 1643/44.
Ordained Priest (Norwich) 17 April 1629.
Rector of Wimpole 1642 ejected 1644**, reinstated 1660, 'till death.
Prebend. of Norwich Cathedral, 1660-1695.
of Wetwang "in the church of York", 1672-1695. |
Joseph Loveland's relocated tombstone
(Norwich Cathedral) |
Died on the 20 May 1695 "in the 92nd year of his age" and is buried in Norwich Cathedral ("at the upper end of the south isle of the cathedral, but his stone [above] is now removed, and laid between the 2nd and 3rd pillars on the north side of the nave").
Will proved 1695. Includes: "I give 10 pounds apiece to each of the four Vicars of the parishes belonging to the Prebend of Wetwang viz: -Wetwang, Frydaythorp, Elloughton & Kirby Wharfe in the County of York and 5 pounds apiece to the poor of Wimple County Cambridge 10 pounds to be distributed by the Minister, Church-wardens and overseers within 10 days after my decease. Those that receive collection [communion?] shall have double." |
** Sequestration 1644 to 1660 (Baker; XXVII, 458) MSS records: (1) In a complaint of the inhabitants, it is charged "that he [Joseph Loveland] doeth absent himself from his cure for a quarter of a year at a time ... he hath according to his means endeavoured to maintain the War against the Parliament and hath sent horse to the King of one Lancaster, and charged him rather than the Parliament should light on horse, the party that carried the horse should ride the horse to death." (2) "Mr Loveland of Wimpole, Articles against him and Mr Harpington his Curate, May 10 1644: For neglecting his Cure and putting in one Mr Harpington, a man very negligent in the ministerial office, and much given to play of cards of a night, for neglecting of fast days, for sending a horse to the King, and charging Thomas Lancaster who rid him, to ride the horse to death rather than the Earl (Manchester) should light on him; for not taking the Covenant and refusing to tender it. Whereupon by Manchester's Warrant he was ejected and sequestered". |
** "Though the Rectory was sequestered from Mr Loveland from 1644 to 1660, yet all the burials registered during that time and indeed from November 1626 to February 1681/2 are in his handwriting; and at the end of the year 1659 he signs himself Rector. He must have entered these from some other accounts after his restoration; for the Christenings, 'till 1663, are in another hand." |
William Scarlett ( -1700)
Curate? (1644-c1660) |
It does not appear who held the Living during the 1644-1660 sequestration of Jospeh Loveland unless it was William Scarlett, who styled himself Curate in 1650, and probably continued so at least 'till March 1659. In 1662 he was Vicar of Bassingbourn'. [Venn: Alumni Cantabrigienses Pt 1, Vol. IV p29, lists a William Scarlett, admitted to Jesus College 1642, B.A. 1645/6, M.A. 1649; incorporated at Oxford 1653.]
The William Scarlett at Wimpole seems to have made entries in the register only in 1650, but the writing and signature are certainly the same as at Bassingbourn where William Scarlett was Vicar 1661-1700.
He was buried at Bassingbourn, aged 74, on 11 April 1700. |
William Fownes M.A. (c1665-1713)
Rector (1695-1713) |
Fellow of St Peters College, Cambridge.
Adm. pens. (age 18) at Trinity College on 1 June 1683, son of Thomas FOWNES of Dorchester, Dorset. School: Westminster. Scholar 1684, Matric. 1685/6, B.A. 1686/7, M.A. from Peterhouse 1690, Fellow of Peterhouse (by mandate) 1687.
Junior Proctor 1706-07.
Ordained Deacon (Ely) 1692; Priest 1694.
Rector of Wimpole 1695-1713. Presented to living by Richard Fownes Esq. of Stapleton, Dorset. Died as Rector in 1713, aged about 48.
Buried at Little St Mary's, Cambridge on the 20 May 1713.
Francis Jefferys (1680-1740)
Rector at Wimpole 1713-1740 (cced: 1705-1740) |
Presented to living by Thomas Price, gentleman of Camberwell, June 6th 1713.
Married to Elizabeth.
Also Vicar of Ashwell. Died there as Rector in 1740.
The Rev John Dupont (c1703-1768) became his Curate [dates unknown] and subsequently married Frances, one of Jefferys' [two?] daughters. See separate entry below. |
[Wimpole Parish Registers: "Marriage, 31 July 1732, Gilbert Negus of Steeple Morden and minister of Bassingbourn, married Elizabeth Jefferys, daughter of Francis, Rector of this Parish, by licence.] |
John Dupont (c1703-1768)
Curate at Wimpole (- c1733) |
B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge 1729 |
The Rev John Dupont, who became Francis Jefferys' Curate, married his daughter Frances. They had three children baptised at Wimpole, Caesar (1731), John (1733) and Elizabeth (1734). |
"Rev John Dupont was born in 1703. His father was César Caesar Dupont (1684-1744) and his mother was Susannah Susanna Susan Jonot (1669-1732). He married Frances Jefferys, daughter of Francis, on 25 April 1731 in Ashwell, Hertfordshire. They had seven children during their marriage. John became the Vicar of Aysgarthin in Wensleydale in 1733 and chaplain to The Right Hon Thomas, Earl of Kinnoul. John died on 22 December 1768 in Aysgarth at the age of 65, and is buried there. Frances died in 1781." [mainly Ancestry] |
John and Frances' son John (baptised at Wimpole 1733) joined the British (East India Campaign) Army and ended up as Lieutenant Colonel in command at Cuddalore (India). |
[Family information kindly contributed by Jean Andrews (April 2019)] |
Joseph Simms M.A. c1695-1776
Rector at Wimpole 1740-1743 (cced:1719-1776) |
Rector from 19 September 1740.
In 1743, Lord Chancellor Hardwicke presented him to living of St John's, Westminster. |
Admitted sizar at St Catharine's College, Cambridge,25 April 1711.
Born 13 February 1695/6.
School [London], Matric. 1712, B.A. 1714/5, M.A. 1718.
Ordained Deacon (Peterborough) 15 June 1717.
Ordained Priest (London) 22 February 1718/9.
P.C. of Bromley, Kent , 1739-44
Rector of Woolwich, [London], 1739-42
Rector of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, 1740-43.
Chaplain to Bishop Wilcocks, whom he succeeded as chaplain to the British Factory at Lisbon, [Portugal],
Prebend. of St Paul's, London, 1748-76
Prebend of Lincoln, 1748-66
Vicar of East Ham, Essex , 1756.
Rector of St John's, Westminster, [London].
Buried 4 May 1776 at East Ham, Essex. Will dated April 1776. |
[Source: Alumni Cantabrigienses (Venn, University of Cambridge)] |
John Lawry M.A. (1714-1773)
Rector at Wimpole ac:1742-1745 (cced:1739-1773) |
Born in London.
Admitted pensioner at Clare College, Cambridge, 31 May 1732.
School Westminster, [London], Matric. 1732.
B.A. 1735. M.A. from Corpus Christi College 1739.
Ordained deacon and priest (Norwich, Litt. dim. from Bangor) 1738.
Prebend of Rochester, [Kent], 1740-1773.
F.R.S. 1742.
Rector of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, 1742-1745
Presented to the living by Lord Chancellor Hardwicke in May 1743.
Probably Rector of Lee, Kent, 1745-1773.
Vicar of Boughton Monchelsea,[Kent], 1747-1755.
Vicar of Aylesford, [Kent], 1754-1773.
Registrar to Archbishop of Canterbury 1754.
Died 28 August 1773.
The medieval church at Wimpole was largely demolished in 1748 and rebuilt the
following year as part of a major remodelling of the park
for Lord Chancellor
The 14th century Staundon Chantry (Chicheley Chapel) was largely preserved alongside the rebuilt church. |
Charles Plumptre
Rector at Wimpole 1745-1752 (cced 1737-1782) |
Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge.
Vicar of Harston 1749.
Presented by Lord Chancellor Hardwicke in 1749 to a Prebend at Norwich, which he was permitted by his patron to exchange for the Archdeacon of Ely on 20 December 1751. Plumptre was educated at Queens' College, Cambridge, he held incumbencies at Harston, Whaddon and Wimpole before being appointed domestic chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford in 1745. He was appointed a prebendary of Norwich Cathedral in 1749; and Archdeacon of Ely in 1751: he was collated on 20 December and installed on 29 December that year, he died in post on 14 September 1779.
1752 Rector of St Mary Woolnoth & St Mary Woolchurch, London.
Afterwards, afternoon preacher of St James's Westminster and sinecure Rector of Orpington, Kent. |
Approx. lifespan: 1712–1779 Adm. pens. at Clare College 1730:04:01 2nd s. of John PLUMTRE (1697) of Nottingham, [Nottinghamshire], Esq. b. there 1712:07:16 Matric. 1731 B.A. 1733/4 M.A. from Queens' College 1737 B.D. 1746 D.D. 1752 Fellow of Queens' College 1737-48 V. of Harston, Cambridgeshire , 1737-45 R. of Wimpole, [Cambridgeshire], 1745-52 V. of Whaddon, [Cambridgeshire], 1745 Preb. of Norwich, [Norfolk], 1749-51 Archdeacon of Ely 1751-79 R. of St Mary Woolnoth, London , 1752-79 R. of Orpington, Kent , 1763-79 Died suddenly 1779:09:13 ; buried at St Mary's, Nottingham, [Nottinghamshire], |
Robert Plumptre (1723-1788)
Rector at Wimpole 1752-1788 (cced 1748-1789) |
Robert Plumptre (1723–1788),
President of Queens' College, Cambridge
[painting attributed to Christopher Sharp] |
Robert Plumptre was the youngest of ten children of John Plumptre MP of Nottingham, and was grandson of Henry Plumptre.
He was educated by Dr. Henry Newcome at Newcome's School in Hackney, and matriculated as a pensioner of Queens' College, Cambridge, on 11 July 1741.
BA 1744/5, MA 1748, D.D. 1761, Fellow 1745-55, President 1760-88, Vice-Chancellor 1760-1 and 1777-8, Professor of Moral Theology 1769-88. [Alumni Cantabrigienses, J.A. Venn (ed.)] |
Ordained Deacon (Lincoln) on the 5 June 1748, and Priest on the 4 June 1750. |
In 1752 he was presented to the rectory of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, on the presentation of Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke, where he succeeded his brother Charles. At the same time he held the vicarage of Whaddon, holding both appointments until his death. |
In September 1756, Robert Plumptre married Anne Newcome, the second daughter of Dr. Henry Newcome, his former schoolmaster. By her he had ten children, including the author Anne Plumptre and dramatist James Plumptre. Another daughter was Annabella who wrote the book "Domestic Management" (published by B. & R. Crosby in 1810) [sells online for around £800 today!], several novels, and translated A. W. Iffland's play "Die Jäger" from German. |
In 1756 Lord Chancellor Hardwicke made him prebendary of Norwich Cathedral. |
"Robert Plumptre, like other members of his family, achieved preferment through the patronage of the 1st Earl of Hardwicke. In Robert’s case this began with two livings in Cambridgeshire, Wimpole and Whaddon, followed on his marriage in 1756 the appointment as a prebend at Norwich Cathedral. Prebends were honorary appointments, who only had to reside in Norwich for two months each year, but Plumptre lived in both Norwich and Cambridge" [Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004] |
In 1760 Plumptre was elected president of his college, and in 1769 professor of casuistry. These offices, together with his preferments, he held till his death. He was vice-chancellor of Queens' College in 1760/61 and again in 1777/78. |
Memorial to Robert Plumptre, Norwich Cathedral.
[A white marble oval with Latin inscription set against
a black background under a garlanded urn with the coat
of arms in a roundel beneath.]
Signed: Stafford & Athow fec. |
Robert Plumptre died on the 29 October 1788 at Norwich, where he is buried. There is a tablet to his memory on the south side of the presbytery of Norwich Cathedral. |
[Parish Registers: Only one 'Plumptre' in the registers: "Joseph Plumptre, son of Robert & Elizabeth" was baptised at Wimpole on the 7 December 1758.] |
Thomas Waddington M.A. ( - 1815)
Rector at Wimpole 1788-1794 |
Of Christ's. 1787 Rector of Kelshall, Hertfordshire and Chaplain to Lord Dover. 1789 exchanged Kelshall for Downham, Isle of Ely. 1793 Rector of Elm cum Emneth. 1789 Prebendary of Ely. 1793 Rector of Northwold, Norfolk. 1805 Rector of Hessett, Suffolk 1809.
He married Margaret Yorke, daughter of the Right Rev James Yorke, brother of the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, in 1788. She died three years later. He later married Anne Westwood. |
Thomas died 18 June 1815 aged 52. |
Thomas Sheepshanks M.A. (1752-1818)
Rector at Wimpole 1794-1818 (a1775-1818) |
Thomas Sheepshanks was the son of Richard, a farmer. Born at Linton in Yorkshire and baptised there on 11 January 1752. He was educated at Threshfield School and St John's, Cambridge. |
"Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Mar. 12, 1771. Matric. Michs. 1771; Scholar, 1774; BA (4th Wrangler) 1775; M.A. 1778. Fellow 1778-9." [Alumni Cantabrigienses] |
Thomas was ordained deacon at Lincoln on 24 December 1775; priest at Ely on 23 February 1777. Appointed Justice of the Peace (Magistrate) for Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely and served for nearly 40 years. |
He was Rector of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire from 1794 to 1818 until his death, and served as Chaplain to Philip, the 3rd Earl of Hardwicke. Also Rector of Aspenden in Hertfordshire from 1799 to 1818. |
Thomas married (1) Elizabeth Garland at Wisbech on 12 January 1779 [one daughter, Elizabeth, later married at Wimpole**], then (2) Martha Gynn, daughter of Robert Gynn of Wisbech at St Marylebone, London, on 28 February 1787 [two sons William and Thomas*, and two daughters Maria and Louisa]. |
Cambridge Chronicle and Journal, April 1818:"Died - On Monday last, deeply regretted, at the rectory, Wimpole, aged 66, the Rev. Thomas Sheepshanks, M.A. for nearly forty years an active magistrate for the isle of Ely and this county. He was formerly Fellow of St John's college. B.A. 1775, M.A. 1778." |
[From the Wimpole Parish Registers:
Baptism: * "11 April 1796, Thomas Sheepshanks, son of the Rev Thomas and Martha." |
Marriage: ** "4 November 1813, Elizabeth Garland Sheepshanks, spinster, of this Parish, married (by licence) Thomas Wilkins of Hornsey. Witnessed by [presumably Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of] E Hardwicke, [Philip Yorke's daughters?] Elizabeth Yorke, Caroline Yorke, William Sheepshanks." |
Burial: "28 April 1818, Thomas Sheepshanks, 12 years Rector, of this Parish, died aged 65". (Died Monday 20 April 1818 at Wimpole Rectory. Interred in the Chicheley Chapel, Wimpole.)] |
Incidental information: Thomas Sheepshanks (1796-1875), son of the Rector and baptised at Wimpole, followed his father into the clergy. Whilst Headmaster of Coventry Grammar School (1834-60) and Rector of St John's, Coventry (1834-73), Mary Ann Evans (author George Eliot) is said to have received lessons in Greek and Latin from him. [Alumni Cantabrigienses] |
John Cheap M.A. (c1793-1831)
Rector at Wimpole 1818-1831 (a1816-1832) |
"Cheap, John, Admitted. Pens. (age 17) at Trinity, May 25. 1811.
Son of John. Born at Calcutta, India.
School, Westminster. Matric. Michs. 1811;
Scholar, 1812; BA 1815; M.A. 1818, Trinity.
Ordained Deacon (York) Oct. 22, 1816;
Priest. Dec. 21, 1817;
Curate of Elvington.
Rector of Wimpole, from 8 August 1818 to death (aged about 38).
Vicar of Riseley, Beds., 1825-1831.
Died 3 September 1831."
[(i) Alumni Cantabrigienses, J.A. Venn (ed.), (2) CCEd (3) and others.] |
Domestic Chaplain to Philip Yorke (3rd Earl of Hardwicke) 1825-1831. |
Married to Mary. Daughter Anne Emily Cheap was christened at Wimpole on 13 April 1822, Elizabeth on 27 July 1823 and son John on 24 May 1828. |
Henry Reginald Yorke M.A. (1803-1871)
Rector at Wimpole 1832-1871 |
Of St John's. Rector of Aspenden, Hertfordshire. "[Ven'ble] Henry Reginald Yorke [Archdeacon of Huntingdon], born 3 October 1802, died 25 September 1871."
He was the third son of the late Admiral the Hon. Sir Joseph Sydney Yorke, by Elizabeth Weake, daughter of Mr James Rattray, of Atherstone, Warwickshire, and next surviving brother of the 4th Earl of Hardwicke. He married in 1833 Flora Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late General Alexander Campbell K.O.B., but was left a widower in 1852 |
"Henry Reginald Yorke was born on the 30th October, 1803, and was educated at Harrow and St John's College, Cambridge, where he took his Bachelor's degree in the year 1826, without, however, obtaining honours, and proceeded M.A. in 1829. He was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Lincoln in 1827, and priest in the following year, and has held the rectory of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire (a living in the gift of his brother, Lord Hardwicke) since 1832; from 1856 to 1879 he was Archdeacon of Huntingdon, but in the latter year he resigned that office. He was also from the year 1859 a Canon of Ely Cathedral." - The Times. |
One son was
Alexander Campbell Yorke, writer of 'Wimpole As I Knew It' where he reminiscences about his boyhood in Wimpole and
his father with great affection: |
"My father was different. Too kind and gentle. A most delightful companion; well-read, though not learned; able to converse on any topic well; a bit of an antiquary; a bit of an artist; yet excelling in nothing but lovableness. As he lay near his window in the days before his death it was pretty to see him wave his hankerchief to the children as they turned up the drive for their 'few broth' or milk, and to watch the answering wave back with the little bob or curtsey. They all loved him." |
[Henry Reginald Yorke and wife Flora Elizabeth Yorke are both interred in the Yorke Family Vault beneath the Chicheley Chapel.] |
Edward Thomas Liddell B.A.
Rector at Wimpole 1872-c1876 |
Of Christ Church, Oxford.
Curate of Alverstoke.
Brother of Susan Liddell, wife of the 4th Earl of Hardwicke. |
["The Reverend Edward Liddell, did not think that a young man was justified in living in so easy a cure. He resigned, and went
to Jarrow, where strenuous work soon broke him down with premature paralysis." -
Alexander Campbell Yorke writing in 'Wimpole As I Knew It'.] |
Edward Lyon Fellowes M.A.
Rector at Wimpole 1876-1896 |
Of Brasenose, Oxford.
Formerly curate of Ormesby and Mantby, Norfolk and Vicar of Cumnor, Berkshire.
Also Vicar of Arrington. |
Buried in Wimpole Churchyard. (Tablet on Outside Wall): "In memory of Edward Lyon Fellowes, Rector of Wimpole & Vicar of Arrington from 1876-1896, died 23 July 1896, aged 51 years. Thy will be done." |
"When I first played [cricket] for Wimpole, the Rev Fellowes was Captain of our team - and what a captain, and what a cricketer he was!" - W.G. Newell |
George Dawson Cartwright B.A. (1834-1913)
Rector at Wimpole 1897-1913 |
The Rev George Dawson Cartwright (1834-1913) about 1890.
Image found in the church at St Enoder, Cornwall.
George Dawson Cartwright was born at Norwich on January 24th 1834 and was baptised two days later at St Michael’s at Thorn, Norfolk. He was the son of Francis Cartwright (1796-1875) and his wife Mary Denny (c1790-1881). |
His father was a printer and George was the youngest of six children. George became a school teacher and in 1861 was teaching at Baldersby, Yorkshire. The following year he married Maria Root (1842-1911) in Sutton, Surrey and they returned to live in Baldersby and had seven of their first eight children there. |
He then took a BA at Trinity College in Dublin from where he graduated in 1874 and was ordained as a deacon at York Minster that year, returning to Baldersby as curate. |
In 1877, the family moved to Cornwall, where George was firstly curate at South Hill, Callington, where the first of five children were born. He then became rector of St Enoder where the last of their 14 children was born. Lastly, George Dawson Cartwright was vicar of St Winnow for five years, also acting as Rural Dean of Bodmin. |
The children of George and Maria: |
Agnes Maria Cartwright (1863-1938). Married a chergyman and had eight children. |
Helen Cartwright (1864-1939). Did not marry. |
Frank Cartwright (1866-1882). Died young. |
George Herbert Cartwright (1869-1943). Joined the merchant navy after going to the merchant navy training ship in Liverpool aged 11 years. He became a sea captain and plied the England/Australia run. Was shipwrecked in 1892 on Tristan da Cunha, meeting and marrying a local girl with whom he then had five children ["The "Allenshaw" was wrecked in 1892, and the crew, led by Captain Cartwright, helped the community, particularly by assisting the women to tend the Potato Patches"]. Later went to live in Australia. |
Arthur Cartwright (1870-1907). Emigrated to British Columbia, Canada. Married and had five children. Arthur and his wife both died at the age of 37. |
Cuthbert Cartwright (1872-1925). Graduated Cambridge 1897. Curate at Clare and then Wimpole, Rector at Gamlingay, Vicar of Feltwell (Norfolk). Married with two children. Buried in Wimpole Churchyard. (see below) |
Ethel Cartwright (1874-1954). Married with two children. |
Ruth Mary Cartwright (1876-1878). Died young. |
Sybil Cartwright (1878-1961). Married with two daughters (one of whom emigrated to Canada) |
Mabel Cartwright (1879-1948). Did not marry. |
Hilda Mary Cartwright (1881-1966). Did not marry. Living in Wimpole in 1901 (Census). |
Edward Cartwright (1882-1916). Twin of Charles George. Living in Wimpole in 1901 (Census) as student. Emigrated to British Columbia, Canada. Married with three children. Served in France during WW1 with the Canadian Infantry. Injured in action and later died of his wounds at Leeds. Buried in Wimpole Churchyard. See the War Memorial pages for further information. |
Charles George Cartwright (1882-1916). Twin of Edward. School teacher. Married, no children. Killed in action in France during WW1. Commemorated on his parent's grave in Wimpole Churchyard. (see below). Seethe War Memorial pages for further information. |
Allan Basil Cartwright (1885-1971). Emigrated to British Columbia, Canada. Married and had a son. |
In 1897 George Dawson Cartwright was invited by Lord Robates/Viscount Clifden to take up the position of Rector of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, where he served for nearly 16 years. Also Vicar of Arrington. |
George Dawson Cartwright and Maria are both buried in Wimpole Churchyard: [MI] "George Dawson Cartwright, rector of this parish, died 28 September 1913, aged 79." |
The Rev Cuthbert Cartwright (1872-1925).
From 1906 to 1913, his son Cuthbert Cartwright (1872-1925), above, was Curate of Wimpole and Arrington, helping his father who was then in his seventies. Cuthbert is buried in Wimpole Churchyard with his parents. |
The Cartwright Family Grave,
Wimpole Churchyard.
A registered CWGC war grave. |
[My thanks to Rosie Novis for both the portrait photographs of George Dawson and Cuthbert and the extended family information] |
Edgar John Lancaster (c1900-1937)
Rector at Wimpole 1914-1937 |
Of St Augustine's, Canterbury.
Formerly a missionary in South Africa.
1917 also Vicar of Arrington.
Buried in Wimpole Churchyard: "In loving memory of Edgar John Lancaster,
who entered into rest, 30 December 1937, aged 36 years.
Eternal rest grant to him O Lord." |
Hugh Ernest Whitwham
Rector at Wimpole 1946-c1949 |
Of St Peter's College.
Formerly curate of Stow Bardolph, Norfolk.
Also Vicar of Arrington. |
Henry Arden Kennett Baynes M.A. (1888-1955)
Rector at Wimpole 1949-1955 |
Henry Arden Kennett Baynes was born on the 28 January 1888 in Paddington. His father was Henry K Baynes (b Amersham, Buckinghamshire), a solicitor, and Clara Sophia Baynes (nee Bailey)(b 10 May 1863, Dover, Kent). |
In the 1911 Census, Henry was a border at a Theological Boarding House at 12 Vicars' Close [often claimed to be the oldest purely residential street with original buildings surviving intact in Europe], at Wells in Somerset. At the age of 23, his occupation here was given as Theological Student [presumably studying at Wells Theological College at Wells Cathedral]. |
The following year, the Electoral Register for Guilford, Surrey, has him living in the 'Back Bedroom' at Waterden Cottage, London Road. His 'landlord' is recorded as Mrs H K Baynes (presumably his mother) at the same address. |
Rector of St John the Baptist Church, Crawley (1929 to 1938). |
The '1939 England and Wales Register' records Henry as the Rector of Trotten (aged 48) residing at Trotten Rectory, Horsham, Sussex. Clara S Baynes (his Mother) is recorded as 'Unpaid Domestic'. WW2 had just started and Henry was listed as a Billeting Officer (responsible for helping to find homes for wartime child evacuees). |
Henry Arden Kennett Baynes became Rector Of Wimpole and Vicar of Arrington in 1949 and he served here until his death at 67 on the 18 November 1955 (at Barrington Rectory). |
Henry Arden Kennett Baynes was buried in Wimpole Churchyard on the 22nd November. His monumental insciption reads: "In loving memory of Henry Arden Kennett Baynes, former rector of this parish, died 18 November 1955, aged 67 years." |
It is thought Henry never married or had children. He had no known descendants when he died and so his Mother inherited his estate of £3097.2s.0d (about £80000 in today's money). However, Clara Sophia Baynes, died soon after (just two weeks after her son's death) on the 2 December 1955 at Addenbrooke's Hospital. She was 93 years old. Clara was buried in Wimpole Churchyard in her son's grave. In the absence of any known beneficeries, newspaper advertisments were placed appealing for any relatives of Clara S Baynes to make themselves known. She left effects of £3971.2s.8d. |
This page was last updated on: 09 July 2020.
St Andrew's Parish Church.
A living church for the Parish of Wimpole, located within the National Trust's
Wimpole Estate.
The Church is managed and maintained by the Parochial Church Council |
Wimpole Rectory c1835
A watercolour painting of the front elevation of Wimpole Rectory
by Eliot Thomas Yorke MP (1805-1885) © National Trust
Aerial View of St Andrew's Parish Church 2016.
Wimpole Rectory is on the right.
By agreement © John Fielding 2016, all rights reserved. |