Wimpole: 'CAFG Display Boards' for 'Silent Voices and Deserted Homes', a CAFG project investigating the archaeology and lost landscapes on the Wimpole Estate. [Nov 2020]
Simon Damant's Wympole & Wratsworth site (mostly archived) is now financed and maintained by Wimpole Past as a companion site.
"A delightful evocation in words, videos and stunning photography of living landscape, estate management, natural history, country crafts and times past."
Use our new Archive Index page for
access to over 465 pages and over 3000 high-definition photographs, mostly related to Wimpole.
'Wimpole: CAFG Display Boards' for 'Silent Voices and Deserted Homes', a CAFG project investigating the archaeology and lost landscapes on the Wimpole Estate.
The 323rd Bomb Squadron Memorial Between 1942 and 1945, American B-17 'Flying Fortress' bombers from the
Bassingbourn air base were parked and concealed within the 'South Avenue' leading
up to Wimpole Hall.
- 14 men from Wimpole and Arrington pledged to enlist during this meeting, at least
of whom lost their lives during WW1 and are commemorated on the War Memorial.
Parish Registers: The Parish Registers for St Andrew's Parish Church, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire
* indicates page is unavailable. ** indicates some year transcriptions are available. † indicates complete page has been set to facilitate name searches.
Wimpole Names:
An alphabetical index [originating before the era of internet search engines...] of over 1000 Wimpole surnames found in the Parish Registers. I've retained and extended the page as the information is still a useful index in family name searches, particularly helping to find local and phonetic variations of the spelling of surnames.
(1) Churchyard Plan with Key showing locations of Known Graves.
(2) Memorial Garden Plan with Key showing locations of Interment Plots.
Burials and Interments are updated to September 2018.
The Vault under the Chicheley Chapel. Resting place of the 4th Earl of Hardwicke. Includes a rare 1985 photograph of the interior and transcriptions of all nine coffin plates.
The Church owns a valuable set of Communion Plate by distinguished goldsmith Richard Blackwell the younger, bearing 'Hound Sejant' marks and dating from the mid-1650s.
by the Rev Alexander Campbell Yorke [plus A Biographical Note by David Ellison]. A reminiscence of a boyhood spent at Wimpole Rectory from 1852 to 1871.
The Orwell Group Benefice has five Churches covering the parishes of Wimpole, Orwell, Arrington, Croydon, and Barrington. The site includes contact details, church information and times of Church services.
[1] The 1881 Wimpole Census is fully rebuilt as are the three 'New Orwell' pages.
[2] Following a parish boundary change in April 1999, much of the area of Orwell on the Cambridge Road, previously known as 'New Orwell', is now part of the modern-day Parish of Wimpole. [3] These pages are being rebuilt after their transfer to the new website. The basic listings remain available for reference during the rebuilding.
[1] Completed pages.
[2] Following a parish boundary change in April 1999, much of the area of Orwell on the Cambridge Road, previously known as 'New Orwell', is now part of the modern-day Parish of Wimpole. [3] These pages are being rebuilt after their transfer to the new website. The basic listings remain available for reference during the rebuilding.
[1] The 1881 Arrington Census is fully rebuilt. [2] The two 1891 pages are being rebuilt after their transfer to the new website. The basic listings will remain available for reference during the rebuilding.
The Owners of Wimpole Hall A quick guide through 550 years of 'Big House' history.
Owners, families and people of interest.
The Chicheley Family
Entries from the Wimpole Church Registers 1576-1698,
Baptisms, Marriage, Burials, plus a speculative Chicheley Family Tree.
2nd Earl of Hardwicke
Reference page on Philip Yorke (1720-1790), 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, and his immediate family members.
The Yorke Family Vault
The Vault under the Chicheley Chapel. Resting place of the 4th Earl of Hardwicke and eight other members of the Yorke family. 1985 Photograph.
Simon Damant's Wympole & Wratsworth site (mostly archived) is now financed and maintained by Wimpole Past as a companion site. Use our new Archive Index for
access to over 465 pages and over 3000 high-definition photographs, mostly related to the Wimpole Estate.
Orwell Pages:
The Orwell Chronicles 1770-1899 Collected by Jeffrey Barham
200 extracts from the 'Cambridge Chronicle' and the 'University Journal'.
[1] Completed pages.
[2] Following a parish boundary change in April 1999, much of the area of Orwell on the Cambridge Road, previously known as 'New Orwell', is now part of the modern-day Parish of Wimpole. [3] These pages are being rebuilt after their transfer to the new website. The basic listings remain available for reference during the rebuilding.
External Link Orwell Past (and Present)[online] The local history website for Orwell which includes some items of Wimpole related history.
[1] The 1881 Arrington Census is fully rebuilt. [2] The two 1891 pages are being rebuilt after their transfer to the new website. The basic listings will remain available for reference during the rebuilding.
External Link Listed Buildings in Arrington (24 Listings)
Parish church, cottages, inn, barns, almshouses, gates, phone box, milestones etc.
External Links:
Steve Odell is not responsible for the content or accuracy of external sites linked from the WimpolePast website. The links below are checked on a regular basis.
Another official National Trust website listing items in their museum collection related
to Wimpole Hall and Estate. Portraits, photographs, prints, furniture, books, farming
implements, etc. Most items have an accompanying photograph and description. Last
time I looked, the Wimpole collection had 16,671 items online and is fully searchable.
Pages on my various old websites are being individually rebuilt and transferred across to this new secure domain at https://www.wimpolepast.org.
Links are being updated between the various domains as pages transfer across. You should now access Wimpole Past from this Home Page and update any old bookmarks. I apologise for any inconvenience.
Apart from the external third-party managed 'Contact', 'Guestbook' and 'Search' facilities, this website does not set or use cookies.
Steve Odell is not responsible for the content or accuracy of external sites linked from the WimpolePast website.